Following the Yellow MOOC Road

I am hoping to move down the MOOC road soon.  citymooc
I am planning to create a MOOC for the Teaching Inquiry through Science and Engineering Practices course.  The MSSE Program sees it as a marketing tool for the Program as well as a professional development opportunity for teachers of science.  We have been meeting with university officials to work through some of the details.  Those we have met with are enthusiastic and supportive, yet cautious since this has not been done much at our institution.  Some of the things we have been discussing include the following:
•  The reasons for the MOOC.  In addition to the reasons stated above, offering the course makes sense from MSSE students’ program of study perspective.  The Teaching Inquiry course was recently made a requirement of the Program, so teachers who successfully complete the MOOC can waive the requirement and seek two additional elective credits.  Teachers can also take the MOOC course and later register for the Teaching Inquiry course and use the work done in the MOOC for the registered course.  These are ideas still in the discussion phase.
•  Free and Open?  In short, yes, we would like the MOOC to be both free and open.  That means that participants would bypass requirements for admittance and simply be registered in the course.  We are working out a plan to do this.  Also, students would have the option of a course certificate and there would most likely be a fee associated with that.
•  Assignments?  Yes, the MOOC course would maintain the same requirements and rigor as the current course. Instead of weekly submission of assignments, those students who are taking the course to be used for future credit or to waive the requirement of the course in the MSSE Program would submit a portfolio of required assignments at the end of the course.
•  Discussions.  Since the creation of online community is vital to the success of an online course, there will be a discussion component to the MOOC.
•  Weekly or bi-weekly LIVE chats.  One strategy I picked up from Eric Brunsell’s MOOC is the use of Twitter to conduct a live chat.  I plan to incorporate that strategy.
•  Learning Management System.  Since the existing Teaching Inquiry course exists on MSU’s Desire 2 Learn, I’d like to keep it there.  I have participated in MOOCs that use numerous delivery systems within the MOOC and those get too cumbersome.

So, the hope is to be able to deliver the MOOC either fall 2013 or spring 2014 semester.  We are moving ahead, but with carefully planned steps.  As much as I’m ready to jump in now, I’m reminded of the leadership advise of “under promise and over deliver.”  I want this to be successful the FIRST time, so thinking through as many issues ahead of time will be essential.

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